This screen displays a summary of your SynolonSoft account details.
Within the Online RSRS Dashboard box, you have the ability to upload all their Service Reports and Clients to an Online Dashboard area, which can be accessed in any web browser through a desktop, tablet, or mobile. For the time being, this information will only be view-able and not editable. The dashboard can be accessed by clicking ‘Launch Dashboard’, or visiting the ‘My Account’ page on this site.
The first checkbox at the bottom allows you to disable RSRS from storing your SynolonSoft credentials. As a result you will need to manually enter these details each time you start RSRS.
The last checkbox allows you to configure whether you would like to be informed of the latest news posts from SynolonSoft. Checking it will ensure that a pop up window will launch on every RSRS startup. Disabling it will ensure that the pop up window is only shown when a new post is released by SynolonSoft.