Database Options

This section allows you to either backup or restore your RSRS database in it’s entirety. This includes all reports, clients, users, spare parts, and all settings.

As shown in the above image, clicking the first tab ‘Backup/Export Database’ will show all settings relating to backing up your database.

In the top group box titled ‘Schedule Backup’, you have the possibility to set up RSRS to perform daily backups at a certain time to a destination of your choice. This backup will occur even if RSRS is not running. First ensure the ‘Enable Scheduled Daily Backup’ check box is ticked, then select a destination by clicking ‘Browse’, choose a time from the time picker, and finally click the ‘Save’ icon.

The bottom group box of the above image titled ‘Manual Backup’ allows you to perform a backup at any time you so choose. Simply select the destination by clicking ‘Browse’ and click ‘Start Backup’. This will generate an .sql file with the time and date as the filename. You can see this process in the video below.


As shown in the above image, clicking the second tab ‘Restore/Import Database’ will show all settings relating to restoring your database.

To do so, click the ‘Browse’ button, locate a previous backup of type .sql and click ‘Start Restore’. Your entire database will be restored to the state of the backup. This is useful in cases such as data corruption or data loss brought on by a computer format or virus. You can see this process in the video below.