The Call/Visit report is accessible from the Pending Jobs and Service Reports sections. Once launched, you will see a screen similar to the one above. The report is launched with all the data entered by the Front Desk user, and possibly the potential problem and solution codes entered by the Head of the Department user. For each Call/Visit Service Report, can can have 4 separate visits, each with their own sub report. This may be useful if you require multiple visits to a client for a problem.
At the top left of the screen, there is a strip of buttons allowing you to ‘Save’, ‘Print Preview’, ‘Print’, ‘Export to PDF’, ‘Undo’, ‘Redo’, ‘Email Client’, ‘SMS Client’ and launch the ‘Help’.
On the left side of the screen we have multiple boxes as shown on the above topmost screen, allowing you to perform different tasks related to the Service Report. Report options are controlled within the first box to the left of the screen, as shown in the image above. Here you have the ability to ‘Add New Visit’ and ‘Delete Current Visit’ relating to the Service Report in question. These are the previously mentioned sub reports. You can cycle through them by clicking the left and right arrow buttons.
The job status is controlled from the box shown above. In this area you can set the status to either ‘Pending’, ‘Completed’, or ‘Rejected’ depending on the progress of the technician. Setting the status to ‘Completed’ will generate a ‘Final Call/Visit’ report with all times and charges from each sub report. You are also notified of whether an email or SMS has been sent to the client.
Below the ‘Job Status’ box there is the ‘3rd Party Reports’ box as shown above. Here you can manage and view all 3rd Party reports created for this particular job. To create a new 3rd Party report, ensure a 3rd Party is selected in the ‘Allocated To’ field in the Call/Visit Service Report. Then, click the green plus icon to create the 3rd Party report. You can delete a 3rd Party report by selecting it from the data grid and clicking the red X button. To launch and edit the 3rd Party report simply double click on it in the data grid. The video below demonstrates the above described procedure.
The ‘Allocation History’ box displays all technicians or 3rd parties that the current job has been allocated to. Below this, there is a ‘Notes’ box displaying any notes the front desk may have left for the technician. These notes are not printed on any Service Report the client will receive.
On the right side of the screen, there are more boxes with different functionalities. The first one allows the technician to view solution instructions set inside the ‘Codification Options’ section. If there is a solution code entered on the report, it will appear in the box above, allowing the technician to view a detailed set of instructions to perform as a solution. This is done by clicking on the solution code and then clicking ‘View Solution Instructions’. The image below is one such example.
Below the solution instructions box are buttons for inserting problem and solution codes as shown above. Clicking on these buttons will pop up the Codification Options screen where you can select a problem code to input to the report.
The codes, problems and solutions from the above screen can be customized to your company’s needs. Navigate to the particular problem you are looking for and double click on it to insert it into the Service Report. For more info on the ‘Codification Options’, click here. By inserting a problem code, it’s associated solution(s) will also be inserted in the report. You can then remove unwanted solutions if need be. This process can be seen in the video below.
An In-House Label can also be generated, to accompany the Service Report. This could be used as an alternative or parallel report to the Call/Visit Report, as it provides a summarized view of the Call/Visit Report stuck onto the product itself. Clicking on the ‘Generate In-House Label’ button will redirect you to the ‘Label Generator’ section, but with your client’s personal information found in your service report auto-filled in. You can customize the data further and print as many labels as you wish. For a more detailed description of this feature, navigate to the ‘Label Generator‘ section of this guide.
In the ‘Set Colour Code” box above, you have the ability to colour code the Service Report with a custom made colour and description. This will be shown in the ‘Serial No.’ field on the report, as well as in the ‘Serial No.’ cells of the data grid found in the Pending Jobs and Service Reports sections. To view the description of the colour code, simply hover your mouse over the colour and a pop up will appear. You can use the ‘Clear Colour’ button to remove a colour from the current Service Report.
You may set a priority type to the report or clear the current priority type by using the ‘Priority Type’ section as pictured above. Reports with ‘Priority’ will have a red ‘!’ symbol to their left on the Pending Jobs and Service Reports sections. More info can be found here.
Near the bottom right of the Service Report, there are buttons for ‘Labour’ and ‘Spare Parts’ as shown above.
Clicking on ‘Labour’ will launch the ‘Labour Charge Calculator’ tool. More info here. Having utilized the timer, the tool will calculate your labour charges based on your settings chosen in the Charging Option section (Alternate Charge or True Costings). This charge along with the time spent will appear on the report when you close the Labour Charge Calculator section. Keep in mind, it is not mandatory to use this feature as you can simply enter the labour charge manually onto the report.
Clicking on ‘Spare Parts’ will launch the ‘Spare Parts Breakdown’ section. More info here. Here you have the ability to add spare parts used. The totals of all spare parts used along with their description will be added to the report once the section is closed.
After doing the above, the ‘Grand Total’ will be calculated and displayed in the ‘Grand Total’ field. You can then enter a ‘Date Completed’ near the top right of the report by clicking the calendar icon .